Duration 11:19

पेलम पेल 3 | | Final Episode | | Kaalu And T2 | | New Video | |

190 575 watched
8.3 K
Published 10 Aug 2020

episode 1 - /watch/QcdaBNfJ1XMJa episode 2 - /watch/Ifot5zvNaW_Nt #pelampel3 #kaaluandt2 #binod Warning:- Consumption of Alcohol is injurious to health, we don't promote any alcohol or toxic material. Smoking Is Injurious To Health ( Our second Channel Link ) 👇 Kaalu T2 Live 👉 /channel/UCkqLbNG6JqKhF7eE5NwANug ( Our Social Media Links ) :- 👇👇👇👇 Instagram 👇💥 https://www.instagram.com/kaaluandt2/ ... Facebook 👇💥 https://www.facebook.com/kaaluandt2/ DOP - Abhay Singh ( Canon 7D Mark ) Story - KaaluAndT2 Dialogue - KaaluAndT2 Acting - Sujeet Chauhan ( Dalla ) Acting- Ajay Sharma ( Kaalu ) Acting - Vikas Kumar ( T2 ) Acting - Ankit Sharma ( Nizam ) Acting - Jitendar Sharma ( Chotu ) Disclaimer :- This video is only to entertain the people. Please don't take it personal. Our intention is not to hurt the sentiment of any cast, religion, profession or any individual. All the videos that we have posted on this channel are copyrighted, so no one is allowed to take them off from YouTube for any purpose (commercial or not) without Our permission [ Kaalu And T2 ] 🙏


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